Destroy destructive system dynamics - release constructive system dynamics

There are rules and habits in companies and organizations. In their overall construction, they generate “system processes” or “organizational habits”, i.e. rule-based repetitive automatisms. Destructive system processes are such organizational habits (control cycles) that have a self-destructive effect and are capable of causing lasting damage to the organization, even destroying it. Thus, negative energy in the system emanates from them.

For forward-thinking company managers, the following questions must be asked when it comes to the sustainable development of their organization:

  1. How are destructive system processes (negative energies) identified in the company?
  2. How are the most effective points of intervention identified?
  3. How are destructive system processes effectively corrected (“disturbed”)?
  4. How are constructive system dynamics (positive energies) released in the organization?
  5. How are constructive system processes ensured in the long run?

The aim of systemic organizational development is to answer exactly these questions with the help of various methods of analysis by “mirroring”, “disturbance” and “learning”. These instruments help to positively influence the systemic landscape by breaking the regulatory cycles and promoting insight and willingness to innovate.

Often, the cycles are so well established and internalized that external support is needed to get to the bottom of the questions. Starting with an in-depth analysis of the system processes and dynamics via the conceptual response and implementation of all five concerns mentioned. The methods used here originate from the toolbox of systemic organizational development, which pursues the goal of “disturbing” systems in order to “break them up” for necessary innovations. The following table shows the necessary competencies of managers and employees caused by systemic organizational development.

Aims of systemic organizational development

Creating awareness of the existence of destructive and constructive system processes

Emerging competencies of specialists and managers

Reflection of positive and negative habits (“energies”) in the system

Specialists and managers want and commit themselves to constructive system dynamics in their organization.

Acceptance of constructive system dynamics as something good

Specialists and managers are in a position to recognize destructive system dynamics

Ability to recognize destructive system dynamics

Professional and managerial staff are able and willing to name destructive system dynamics without accusation

Courage to name destructive system dynamics

Destructive system dynamics are exposed and disturbed

Tidying up, clearing up disorder

Growth conditions for constructive system dynamics are improved

Innovation ability, renewal ability, organizational learning is increased

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