Rainer SchöberleinTrainer and Coach

Rainer Schöberlein

We become effective when competition between performance and achievement becomes congruent.

Rainer Schöberlein loves to accompany people, teams, and organizations in processes of change and self-clarification. From the perspectives as an engineer, theologian, and systemic coach he creates free spaces, allowing the respective system to find itself and thereby attain effectiveness.

At a glance

  • Motto

    We become effective when competition between performance and achievement becomes congruent.

  • Qualifications

    - Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Mechanical Engineering
    - Master of Arts Theology / Intercultural Communication
    - Systemic coach
    - ProfilPASS advisor

  • A-Competences

    - Change processes of persons, systems, and organizations
    - Expert in vocational training, identity, late adolescence, and Generation Y


Change processes
Team development and control
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