Team development (indoor or outdoor)

Duration: 2 days
Participants: min. 8, max. 12
Detailed seminar documents
Elements of experiential education
Efficient and goal-oriented cooperation!

Team research has found that powerful teams always have the following five characteristics:

  1. Focus on the purpose
  2. Focus on common goals
  3. Trust and respectful relationships
  4. Clear role and task distribution
  5. Functioning processes/processes of cooperation.


In this workshop, the participants assess the current quality of the five hallmarks in the team and think about growth potential. The aim of this seminar is to identify together how the potential of cooperation can be exploited.


The requirements of effective teams
  • The difference between group and team
  • Identification of a team
    • Basic human needs
    • Phases of team building
    • The power of an effective team
    • Where do we stand?
    • Which characteristics are underdeveloped
Purpose and the common goal
  • Our self-image and our mandate
  • What are our goals?
  • How do you succeed in pulling together?
Constructive relationships
  • Respect and trust in the team
  • Growth potential
Role and task distribution
  • Strengthened division of tasks
  • Growth potential
Efficient processes
  • Plan and organize communication processes in the team
  • Learn and train targeted behavior in team conflicts
  • Develop decision-making ability and quality


Lecture, doctrinal talk, discussion, group work, exercises

We will be happy to advise you and create an individual offer tailored to your needs!