The right sales strategy

Duration: 2 days
Participants: min. 8, max. 10
Detailed seminar documents
Businessman jumping on a spring during a race with opponents
Reaching sustainable sales success with a good strategy

Having the right sales strategy is the alpha and omega of success and a key building block in sustainability. Which strategy is right for our company in our markets and niches? Among other things, answers to this question can be found in this seminar.


Strategic work in sales requires knowledge of unique selling points and customer benefits. In the seminar, we will look at the existing strategies together to explore how good and promising these are and how they can be improved.

The participants get to know a successful and internationally known strategy development model, which gives them guidance and assistance to make sales strategically meaningful in their own company.


  • Develop the right, results-oriented sales strategy
  • Strength Analysis
  • Specialties
  • Market observation, target group analysis
  • Awareness of the problem for the target group
  • Target group specific offer description
  • Successfully complete the offer
  • Communicate unique selling points and customer benefits effectively
  • Make distribution structures efficient
  • Build a target group-specific sales culture


Doctrinal conversation, group work, individual work, role, and practice examples

We will be happy to advise you and create an individual offer tailored to your needs!