Your customized Training

Duration: tba
Participants: min. 8, max. 12
Detailed seminar documents
Puzzle mit fehlendem Puzzleteil
Your training cause

We develop all tailor-made training courses in close cooperation with our customers in order to achieve tangible, measurable results for a company or department. The concepts are developed on the basis of analysis interviews and address the exact needs of the company. This also ensures a high level of acceptance among your employees. We comply with your thematic, temporal and spatial requirements.


… they will be individually determined with you and evaluated after the successful training.


… individually customized and agreed on with you.

The specializations of our trainers and consultants are the foundation of our broad spectrum. Our training portfolio is flexible and will be combined or supplemented according to your individual qualification needs.

In our trainings no virtual cases, but your actual company needs are discussed and worked on. Thus, a high relation of reality is produced, which motivates, provides concrete approaches for the practice and thus optimizes the learning effect


Teaching lecture, doctrinal talk, discussion, group work, individual work, experience-pedagogical elements, video-supported training and much more.

optional: Coaching-letter in the aftermath

We will be happy to advise you and create an individual offer tailored to your needs!