Transition - the new change?

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. While in a change the control over the circumstances to be changed remains as far as possible, the transition is characterized by a loss of control due to a high degree of uncertainty, contradiction, and complexity. The reason for this is that in the context of the change the goal is already clear and consequently “only” the old state is uninstalled and the innovation is installed. Transition, on the other hand, describes the process of transition from an old to a new state, whereby the latter is not yet clearly defined. One is stuck: the old is already gone, but the new (the change) is not yet there. Therefore, in times of uncertainty, managers have a (temporary) feeling of (partial) powerlessness. Particularly in our fast-moving society, times of uncertainty are increasing. Those who need too long to react in the business world cannot survive in the long run. The reason: too much complexity, too much uncertainty, too much ambiguity and above all: too little control. But how can we deal with the loss of control without stopping?

For this, 6 components are important:

  1. Being able to cope with fear
  2. Distinct self-reflection of mental models
  3. Pronounced self-reflection of mental blockades
  4. Critical Discursivity
  5. Creativity, improvisation
  6. Enthusiasm and ability to innovate

People think in patterns. These patterns result from past experiences. They influence our attitudes towards the world. If we have developed a model that rejects something new due to bad experiences with change, or if we are simply overwhelmed with a complex situation, a mental blockade can occur. It’s the fear of something that probably won’t even happen – one is fixated on avoiding an event with maximum effort and doesn’t recognize the possibilities that are opening up!

In order to prevent this standstill or even regression, the manager needs certain knowledge and skills:


Umgang mit sich selbst – persönliche Kompetenz

Required knowledge and skills of a transition manager

Resilience, ability to deal with uncertainty, contradictions and complexity, composure

Umgang mit anderen – charakterliche Kompetenz

Catching uncertainties, integration of contradictions, simplification, releasing creativity, ability to discourse, powers of persuasion, recognition, and dissolution of mental blockades.

Umgang mit der Aufgabe – fachliche Kompetenz

Being able to live without an overview, to endure contradictions, to accept insecurity and fear as a reality of life and to cope with them

be able to live with loss of control = resilience

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