Foundations of Leadership
Duration: 2 days
Participants: max. 10
Detailed seminar documents
Optional: coaching
Nothing is more important for the climate in the workplace and for the quality of the work result than motivated employees!
What motivates or demotivates people? What is leadership and how does one obtain authority? Which mistakes should the manager avoid? What are the errors about leadership?
Participants learn the basics of leadership, leadership styles, and motivation techniques, and learn how leadership can succeed. The seminar is aimed at
people who have only recently started or will take on leadership roles and experienced executives who would like to revisit the foundations of leadership.
Basic human needs
Leadership principles, leadership techniques, and styles
Model of situational leadership
Leadership practice
Interviewing as a leader
Leading in “difficult” situations
Avoid leadership mistakes
Lectures, group work, discussion, dialogue scenes and exercises, feedback, handling of practice cases